Spa Access
If you are a resident at the Hotel and have not booked a spa day or spa break, access to the spa facilities is not included in your room rate*. To enjoy the facilities, one of the packages must be booked and are subject to availability. Pre-booking is recommended.
Facilities include: foot spa, bistro, sauna, steam room, swimming pool, gym, hydrotherapy pool, experience showers and ice drop, two relaxation rooms.
Minimum age, 18 years. *Swimming pool, sauna and gym access is included in a hotel room rate
Opening times:
Sunrise. 7am – 9am. Morning. 9am – 1.30pm. Afternoon. 1.30pm – 5.30pm. Twilight. 6pm – 9pm.
Note: treatments are not included in the below packages. The minimum age to access the spa facilities is 18 years.